At the 5:30 start time, counselors will present information about the choices incoming 6th graders will have for next year. All incoming 6th graders and their parents will meet in the cafeteria for a short assembly. Teachers, Fine Arts Directors, and Coaches will be available to answer questions. Incoming 7th and 8th grade students and their parents can go to the gyms where they can find out about new curriculum and electives offered.
PRMS counselors will be on elementary school campuses to speak with 5th graders on February 28th or March 1st. Students will receive their course selection sheet at that meeting. Course selection sheets are due back to the student's 5th grade teachers by Friday, March 8th.
PRMS councelors will present to 6th and 7th graders during the day on March 4th and 5th. These students will recieve course selection sheets at that time. Course selection sheets are due back to Science teachers or the front office by Friday, March 8th.